I’m Dave and I’m going to be blogging about WordPress

Hello gang! I’m Dave and I’m going to be blogging here at DXW about WordPress and how it can be used in government.

I’m going to be covering tips and tricks to make the most of all of WordPress’ great features, as well as pointing out some of the areas where people go a bit wrong, to help you avoid some of the more common pitfalls.

I’ve been a WordPress user since 2004 when I first started blogging. That was back in the day when everything in the dashboard was blue, there was no rich text editor, nor a way of publishing static pages! It’s fair to say things have moved on a fair bit in the last decade – WordPress is now a pretty comprehensive bit of software, so hopefully some guidance for newcomers and more experienced folk alike will be of use.

If you have any WordPress questions you’d like answering, feel free to ask! Just use the comments, or alternatively email me using dave@dxw.com or grab me on Twitter @davebriggs.

Am looking forward to some great WordPress discussions!