London Pride Week

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you might have picked up on many companies and people talking about ‘Pride Month’, talking about LGBTQIA issues or seen many a Pride flag (in all its glorious rainbow colours).
As a nod to this and to celebrate London Pride Festival, which always falls just after the international month celebration (like some glorious after-party through Soho), we have temporarily changed our company logo for the week *squee*.
This is a sign of solidarity with the community, to throw some light on LGBTQIA issues and to highlight that we are a diverse company who are welcoming and understanding (I can firmly attest to that *waves rainbow flag maniacally*).
Facebook have ended their Pride Flag reaction too early for me to react to everything this week in rainbows however, here at dxw we are keen to support everyone in the community as allies and friends.
There are loads of events taking place around the capital to promote diversity in the workplace and especially in tech. ‘Marching Towards Diversity’ being a great example: or Intertech Diversity Forum’s march
Details of all events this year’s Pride in London can be found here, also Brighton and Hove Pride is at the beginning of August and Manchester Pride is at the end of August (you’ll find me at the latter two).