Today I Learned 2018

We’ve put together some of the best stuff we found out in 2018
We have a Slack channel called Today I Learned (TIL) used for sharing interesting or helpful facts amongst our team. We’ve put together some of the best stuff we found out in 2018, take a look:
We learned that Firefox has an Accessibility Inspector
This allows you to check what’s needed to make your websites usable by as many people as possible.

How to organise Google calendars

Gmailshortcuts that saved one person 60 hours per year

The Teletype package for Atom, which aims to make it easy for developers to code together

Some history behind Bluetooth

A handy Trello tip

Some history about royal rankings

Super-powered post-its exist!

Phone tricks

You learn something new every day! We’re looking forward to our discoveries in 2019.