How we’re making sure that UKCharityCamp is as accessible and inclusive as possible

We want a diverse set of lived and learned experiences to be represented

UKCharityCamp will happen at The Studio in Birmingham on 30 November. It’s an ‘unconference’ event, with a focus on all things digital, specifically for the UK charity sector.

When we announced the event, we said we wanted a diverse set of lived and learned experiences represented. The dxw Playbook says “We work hard to design events that are accessible, inclusive and safe.” And we’re applying those standards to UKCharityCamp. Neontribe are part of the dxw family now, and we’ve always held those same beliefs.

Help with attending the event

We’re releasing 20 tickets solely for people from historically marginalised groups who might otherwise find it difficult to access the event. This includes, but isn’t limited to, racially minoritised people, and LGBTQIA+, d/Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent people. 

If you’d like one of these tickets, we won’t ask you to share why. All you need to do is email me – – with your name and organisation, and if we have any of these tickets left we’ll reserve one for you. 

Thanks to our friends at Catalyst, we’re also able to offer 10 travel bursaries of up to £100 each to help people who wouldn’t be able to attend the event otherwise. Again, we won’t ask you any questions: just email me – for a bursary, and if we have any budget left, we’ll help.

Accessibility at the venue and making the day inclusive

We’ve checked the venue for accessibility and we’re thinking about how to make the event itself more inclusive.

The Studio has step-free access from the street to all the spaces we’re using, and accessible toilets on every floor. If you’d like more detail, please email me – – and I’ll share their accessibility document. They explain the steps they’re taking to respect the diversity of people who come to their spaces. The nearest train station to the venue is New Street, a 5-minute walk away for me, and there’s some detailed information about accessibility at the station.

We’re currently thinking about how we can make the unconference format more inclusive, and expect us to share more on that later, when we announce tickets available to all.

We’re very grateful for the involvement of our sponsors in bringing this event to life: UKGovCamp, Promo cymru, Catalyst, Dovetail, the Tech for good organisers network and Third sector lab are all helping out.

Visit the UKCharityCamp website to sign up for more news.