UKCharityCamp; let’s do that again

The first unconference specifically for the third sector is back
Last November, I got to achieve a personal goal and bring an unconference like UKGovCamp to digital folk working in charities.
The feedback was so good, we’re doing it again this year.
It’ll be on Thursday 28 November, at The Studio in Birmingham, and tickets are now available.

Image credit Ross McCulloch
We had a pretty good mix of folk last time. We shared tickets out between small charities, larger charities, funders and agencies, so we were genuinely a place for charity folk to talk to each other. There was not a sales pitch in sight. Third sector folk represented everything from kitchen-table sized charities to large national umbrella organisations.
Last year’s agenda is over here. Conversations ranged from how to do effective digital inclusion to how to get people to recognise change is needed without feeling threatened by it; with a healthy mix of data, design, and genuinely sector-specific issues in between. I’m very sure that some will come up again, and we’ll have more experience to share. “Can we stop throwing AI spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks.” for one – that’ll show up again in some form.
We did a retro on last year’s event, just like we do in every project, and, just like we do in every project, we’re trying to keep what worked and improve where we can.
We’ll be keeping the accent on making the event as accessible as we can. The venue is ok for physical accessibility; I’d prefer ground floor, but the lifts are solid and there’s step-free access from the platforms of New Street all the way. We’ll be considerate of those who aren’t loud extroverts; there’s no pitching line, just a place to stack suggestions. We’ve a secluded space if you need one to decompress, and more places to have conversations, so there won’t be two in one room like there was last year. We’ll try harder to get a diverse set of folk in; we had tickets held back and budget to help pay travel costs last year, and we’ll do that again, but we’ll look to extend our reach to different faces and different spaces to get a wider participation.
I dropped last year’s agenda into a wordcloud – because why not – and this is what it looks like. “Charity digital sector people” is a pretty good headline, and design, data, inclusion, skills, user and change on that second rung. That’s a pretty good snapshot. I’m happy with that.

I’m greatly indebted to friends at dxw who are pitching in with the organisation skills I haven’t got, and generous financial support.
Like last year, we’ve sponsors on board to help out with everything from venue hire to the cost of coffee. A big thanks to gold sponsors Public Digital, who are paying for our travel bursaries, Torchbox and UKGovCamp, who are where it all started for me.
We’d also like to thank our Silver sponsors, Basis and look forward to welcoming them to the event.
Thanks too to New Philanthropy Capital, Nexer Digital, Promo Cymru and Third Sector Labs who are also pitching in. It’ll be lovely to have them along.
If you’d like to help with costs – and secure a place at the event – please let me know. It’s only free to charity sector folk because our sponsors make that possible. If you’re invested in the success of the third sector, supporting this event is one small way to show it.