Launch of the DfE Regional Services Division design system

Writing notes for ideation

Design patterns will only improve consistency if they are linked to user needs

For the last 3 years, we’ve partnered with the Regional Services Division (RSD) at the Department for Education (DfE) to improve the service for schools converting to academies. Several dxw team members have been part of the RSD UCD (user-centred design) cross-cutting group, a small leadership team of dxw designers and civil servants with a mission to enhance the user experience across RSD’s services.

Earlier this year, the team identified design challenges resulting from inconsistent approaches across different projects. With varying solutions being applied to similar user needs, RSD was struggling to create a cohesive user experience and work more efficiently. To address this, we developed a strategic framework focused on creating unified design patterns, enhancing collaboration, and establishing more structured design leadership.

Challenges in design consistency

Our analysis revealed 4 main challenges:

1. Inconsistent solutions for similar needs

Despite numerous pattern libraries and design systems being available, consistency was still a challenge. This often happens where solutions are disconnected from user needs and teams are unaware of the needs being addressed by other services. When teams know that similar solutions already exist, they are much more likely to adopt them and design is more consistent.

2. Lack of accessible documentation

Documentation lacked standardisation. Some information was stored in internal Azure DevOps wiki pages, where adding images and source code is challenging, other content was saved on Lucidspark boards, which are better for visuals but less ideal for text-based content. Some team members were unaware of this scattered documentation, making it difficult to reference or adhere to established guidelines.

3. Autonomy without unified guidance

Teams had considerable freedom in their designs and lacked a guiding framework to operate within, resulting in deviations from established patterns and increased design inconsistency.

4. Insufficient cross-team communication

Limited collaboration across projects meant awareness of existing solutions was limited, leading to further duplicated effort and inconsistency.

Proposed strategies for improving consistency

Our recommendations aimed to address these challenges by establishing shared design patterns, enhancing documentation, and fostering cross-project collaboration.

1. Developing accessible documentation and central resources

We proposed using a central tool as the primary repository for design documentation, including patterns, user needs, and relevant resources. Initially the idea was to move everything to the DevOps wiki, but as this was an internal tool it would only be accessible to DfE staff.

During the development process, the DesignOps team at DfE confirmed they could support us by providing a section on the DfE Design Manual for RSD design patterns. This would make documentation more open and accessible — a significant upgrade from our initial proposal.

2. Creating reusable design patterns based on user needs

As mentioned above, design patterns will only improve consistency if they are linked to user needs. We needed to adopt a “user needs first, design patterns second” mindset and proposed the following:

3. Improving cross-team collaboration and communication

There was also room to improve cross-team communication:

While our aim is to encourage consistent design across RSD services, we were mindful not to enforce changes too quickly or rigidly. So we suggested that projects using older patterns are given a timeline to transition to the new standards, allowing for a gradual, manageable shift toward alignment.

DfE RSD patterns setup principles

We established this vision earlier in the year with the expectation that RSD would set up new teams in the future. Approximately 9 months later, 5 new project teams have been introduced into the programme. We’re confident that these teams will benefit from the groundwork we’ve laid.

DfE RSD patterns roll-out timeline

Expected benefits and long-term impact

Our strategies for improving consistency should deliver a number of benefits:

Implementation of the design patterns library

Our proposals were well received by RSD’s senior leadership team and we have collaborated closely on their implementation so far:

The RSD design patterns library was finally deployed to the DfE Design Manual last week. We adopted a gradual approach by launching initially with 4 patterns instead of a large release. Most of the initial patterns were relatively lightweight, with one being more complex. This approach allowed us to gather feedback from the UCD community and gauge the effort required to document additional patterns in future.

At the time of writing, we have completed another 3 which are ready for publication. These new patterns are more intricate and reflect lessons learned from the initial launch.

A win for dxw and DfE

We’re really pleased about the positive feedback from DfE’s senior leadership and colleagues. It’s the result of working in close collaboration to deliver great design that works for users and the organisation. We’re looking forward to more success together in the future.

DfE RSD design system homepage
DfE RSD contact details pattern
DfE RSD search for an establishment pattern