Blog posts by F
23 June 2021
What the world could be for trans people
Trans people are the thin edge of the wedge being driven between queer people and their right to be who they are, unafraid. It doesn’t have to be this way.
7 January 2021
How to write inclusive job descriptions
Diversity in your teams matters. A major factor in creating diverse and inclusive teams is your hiring process, and that process starts with your job description.
19 May 2020
Inclusive design: paying people part 3
In the final part of this series of posts on inclusive design, we look at designing payslips and how to make them more inclusive.
12 May 2020
Inclusive design: paying people part 2
In part 2 of our series about designing an inclusive payroll service, we explore an alternative approach to capturing information about title and gender.
5 May 2020
Inclusive design: paying people part 1
We need to be respectful of all our users. When we try and make a product or service better for our edge case users, we make it better for everyone.
12 September 2019
What we’re doing about diversity and inclusion
At dxw, we have a diversity and inclusion group to make changes so people feel included and to welcome and encourage more diversity in our organisation.