Introducing F
I’m F and I’ve just joined dxw as a developer.
Saying cheers’en to dxw
When I joined dxw, I was excited about getting involved in lots of different projects so I’m sad to be saying cheers’en to dxw.
Discovery: embracing the unknowns
Discovery phases are a common part of digital service development. That’s a good thing in our opinion.
Discovery work is a brilliant place to start
Discovery is a really helpful way of showing the value of iterative, user-centred delivery to stakeholders who might not be familiar with working this way.
Notify and Rails sitting in a tree
At dxw, we love GOV.UK Notify. It’s a web service provided by the Government Digital Service allowing the whole public sector to send notifications.
Introducing Katie
I’m Katie and I started at dxw as a User Researcher.