
  • dxw Returners’ Programme

    As dxw grows, we want to build an inclusive, diverse company based on our values. Simply put, we believe that diverse teams create better services. The diversity of thought we get from teams of people from different backgrounds means we can approach problems with greater empathy. One of the ways we can create more diverse…

  • Hacking the North

    Last month, I headed up to Manchester for Hack the North – I love taking part in hackathons, especially if they are dedicated to social good and solving important problems. It’s a fun way to meet and work with new people, co-create and build stuff together. Also, it was my first time in Manchester, so…

  • Introducing Israt

    Hello, I am Israt and I am the newest designer to join dxw! Before joining dxw, I was working as a front-end visual designer, in a multi-disciplinary team for a media company working on in-house and commercial agile brands for Automotive, Technology, Current Affairs and Lifestyle. Prior to my previous employment, I acquired a First…

  • Preparing to deliver an outcome with a DOS supplier

    We’ve blogged previously about digital opportunities and ways to engage the market to make sure your procurement gets the best pitches from the most appropriate suppliers. We’ve developed our thinking on this through lots of conversations with other suppliers and with buyers. We’ve also drawn on our extensive experience of going through the procurement process…

  • Waltham Forest Hackathon

    Another week, another hackathon, this time in Waltham Forest which will be the first London Borough of Culture in 2019. The hackathon is the last event in Waltham Forest Council’s Digital Month. dxw joined a group of local developers and designers to work on the first Map of Culture, mapping the borough’s cultural hotspots. Open…

  • Conference Perk: Tech Inclusion San Francisco

    At dxw, one of the perks everyone gets is the opportunity to attend a conference annually. Farrah and I both wanted to make the most of our conference perk and go to a new place. We fancied going to something techy, so last month we headed to San Francisco. We began thinking about what we…