
  • It’s been GREAT

    I’ve never really been asked to write about leaving a company before. It’s like that moment when you get asked out of the blue to give a speech in front of everyone gathered around your desk at the end of the day. Although at least I can edit this. I joined dxw only in May…

  • The problem with Management Information

    MISO or Management Information System Online is a system used by Crown Commercial Service to help them understand what work is done through their frameworks, and to calculate their fees to suppliers. All suppliers are expected to submit Management Information (MI) on orders and invoices submitted each month under G-Cloud and the Digital Services Frameworks.…

  • Bye… It’s been amazing!

    After having much of my public sector digital expertise forged in dxw it’s time to go out and use what I have learned to help other digital teams deliver user focused essential services. I arrived at dxw as an anthropologist and was thrown into a world of quick moving design, creativity and solutions. Department of…

  • Introducing Chris

    Hi I’m Chris, dxw’s new Systems Administrator! I’m very excited to be part of the team, where I will be maintaining and enriching the hosting systems behind all the services we provide. Before joining dxw, I worked within the British Army as a Systems Engineer to deploy and maintain various communication systems in challenging environments.…

  • User needs and campaign sites: some principles

    This morning at UK GovCamp 2016 we had a great session on government campaign sites, and how well user needs and user stories work for them as a mechanism to capture the things they need to do. We’ve done quite a lot of campaigns, and often, we struggle to express the user needs that they…

  • Introducing Stacey Phillips

    Hi I’m Stacey and I’ve just joined dxw as a Delivery Manager. I’ll be responsible for managing the delivery of our projects, so I’ll be working closely with development teams and our clients to help them build and launch great digital services. A big part of this involves applying agile and user-centred methodologies to ensure…