
  • Product People North

    Last Friday I spent a day in Leeds, attending Product People North. It was a nice excuse to go and see dxw’s new second home city, and also gave me the opportunity to catch up with some people I haven’t seen in a while and meet some new ones too. I like events like this…

  • Silicon Milkroundabout 2018

    We’re looking forward to attending SMR, a tech-specific recruitment held at The Old Truman Brewery on 24-25 November. The event is spread over the course of the weekend; Saturday being dedicated to product, design and marketing, while Sunday is aimed at data science and developers. As we’re hiring for multiple roles, we’ll be there all weekend. On Saturday…

  • #CauseAScene Conference 2018

    Last month, dxw had the pleasure of sponsoring the first #CauseAScene conference. It is a part of our Diversity & Inclusion initiative to create awareness of job opportunities for marginalized people and to gain a better insight into obstacles they have faced and what they’ve done to try and make a difference. Kim Crayton, the main organiser…

  • UX Brighton: Advancing Research

    Earlier this month, a few of us from the user research team went on a seaside field trip for UX Brighton. The conference theme was ‘Advancing Research’, a topic very relevant to our work at dxw, so here are a few thoughts from the conference. 1. We need to go beyond user needs  Whilst the…

  • Q&A Fridays Recap: DevOps

    Last month we ran our second Twitter Q&A, with the topic of DevOps. Our in-house expert was our Senior Operations Engineer and co-organiser of DevOpsDays London, Bob Walker. Technical operations (ops) is responsible for the provisioning, deployment, and essential maintenance of digital services. The dxw ops team explains, “Having in-house operations at dxw as part…

  • Flying the flag for agile development

    The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the UK ship register. You might know it if you have a yacht or a dingy. The register isn’t just for boats in the UK though. Large commercial vessels that sail around the world still have a home country for whom they “fly the flag”- and…