Product People North
Last Friday I spent a day in Leeds, attending Product People North. It was a nice excuse to go and see dxw’s new second home city, and also gave me the opportunity to catch up with some people I haven’t seen in a while and meet some new ones too. I like events like this…
Silicon Milkroundabout 2018
We’re looking forward to attending SMR, a tech-specific recruitment held at The Old Truman Brewery on 24-25 November. The event is spread over the course of the weekend; Saturday being dedicated to product, design and marketing, while Sunday is aimed at data science and developers. As we’re hiring for multiple roles, we’ll be there all weekend. On Saturday…
UX Brighton: Advancing Research
Earlier this month, a few of us from the user research team went on a seaside field trip for UX Brighton. The conference theme was ‘Advancing Research’, a topic very relevant to our work at dxw, so here are a few thoughts from the conference. 1. We need to go beyond user needs Whilst the…
Q&A Fridays Recap: DevOps
Last month we ran our second Twitter Q&A, with the topic of DevOps. Our in-house expert was our Senior Operations Engineer and co-organiser of DevOpsDays London, Bob Walker. Technical operations (ops) is responsible for the provisioning, deployment, and essential maintenance of digital services. The dxw ops team explains, “Having in-house operations at dxw as part…
Flying the flag for agile development
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the UK ship register. You might know it if you have a yacht or a dingy. The register isn’t just for boats in the UK though. Large commercial vessels that sail around the world still have a home country for whom they “fly the flag”- and…