
  • Event: Make the most of DOS

    Join techUK, Crown Commercial Service, Advice Cloud and us on August 2nd for a special DOS 3 supplier update. Find out how to make the most out of the DOS 3 framework! Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3 (DOS 3) framework is scheduled to open in July. What will it look like? What are the changes from…

  • Report a Repair: our work with Hackney Council

    dxw has been working with Hackney Council to improve the public beta of the Report a Repair service. Report a Repair is for social housing residents in Hackney to report repairs they need on their homes. They can book appointments for simple repairs themselves at times that suit them. Every year, around 170,000 repairs are…

  • dxw Workshops: Story Mapping with Leanne Coker

    I wanted to find a song with ‘story’ in the lyrics to play as welcome music for my story mapping workshop this week.  And after at least 3 minutes of brain-wracking, the best I could come up with was the theme to 90s kids TV show Wishbone… so I went with it! Thankfully one of the…

  • We’re looking for a Head of User Research

    I’ve been designing digital services for government for the last 18 years.  Over that time I have held many different roles such as Web Designer, User Experience Designer, Product Manager, Transformation Lead, Head of Service Design and since last week, interim Head of User Research at dxw Over this time, highlights include: One of the…

  • Win public sector contracts with DOS3: July 4th Webinar with Advice Cloud

    The Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3 framework agreement is scheduled to come out this July. But how can suppliers make it a success? A total of 2,018 suppliers feature on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 2 framework and 94% of these are SMEs. Some of those SMEs are very successful, 35% to be exact. But what…

  • GovJam Leeds

    Last week we headed up to Leeds to sponsor and participate in Leeds GovJam. In short, GovJam takes place across the globe for two days each year. Working around a common theme, small teams meet at multiple locations, working for 48 hours on building innovative approaches and solutions towards challenges faced by the public sector. In…