
  • 6 years, 4 job titles, 3 offices, 1 great company

    Six years is an unusual amount of time to spend working for the same company these days – more so when that company works with technology. The thing is, my time at dxw has really been like working for a number of different companies. These days we have a well-developed recruitment process involving an application…

  • Learning from gamers to improve the Show and Tell experience

    We’re currently working on a project with the Crown Commercial Service to build a new digital service for gathering management information from suppliers who do business through government frameworks. At the end of every sprint, we hold a Show & Tell session to report back on our findings and receive feedback. We invite stakeholders from…

  • Today I Learnt

    Carrying on from previous blog posts we would like to share with you all the things we have been learning from our day to day working lives. Using Slack for our internal communications at dxw, we often pick up little hints and tips that can go some way to helping make our lives a little…

  • Using Docker for Dashboards at dxw

    The dxw office is full of screens: on the desks, on the walls, everywhere. The ones on the walls show useful information: who’s working on what, the health of various sites and services, and data visualisations. Because these things have grown organically over time, they’re awkward to manage. They are all written in different languages…

  • Farewell, Ben

    This week, we were sad to say goodbye to our head of technology, Ben Griffiths. Ben was dxw’s first head of technology and he helped us grow and nurture the team as we’ve taken on bigger, more complex work. During his time with us, Ben worked across all our projects and we have been lucky…

  • 10 principles that underpin user research at dxw

    At dxw, we believe in making decisions based on evidenced user needs. As researchers, we help multidisciplinary teams learn about users and recognise the value of user research. There is no single right way of doing this, but as a team, we need to be consistent in the way we approach, perform, and talk about…