Exporting is GREAT: from a prototype to a national campaign for UKTI
So over the last few days you may have seen the launch of the new Exporting is GREAT campaign from UKTI. Here at dxw we’ve been working with UKTI to build the new service allowing users to find and explore the huge range of exporting opportunities out there for British companies. This project actually…
Pastures new
I’ll be leaving dxw this month, off to pastures new and to try new things. I thought I’d just write a quick post about my time at dxw and something about the future. I’ve had a great time working with the very talented bunch of people at dxw. We’ve managed to do some great things…
Design by building
At a client meeting for a project recently, we were planning a sprint and I was asked “But when do you do the design?” Since joining dxw from the Government Digital Service, I’ve found myself working with organisations that don’t follow the same agile, iterative product development approach that both these organisations take. It seems…
Local Govcamp Makers Day: Our thinking – Transparency and engagement are about getting and giving data that matters to people.
On 11th September I went to the Local Govcamp Makers Day in Leeds, a group of local government digital types had an opportunity to get creative about local government and democracy. To make things that visualise how new and effective solutions might help fix problems. We were challenged to think of ways to engage citizens in their local…
Let’s talk about web performance!
It’s one of these things where you hear it once, then see it everywhere – in tweets, blog posts or on podcasts: I’m talking about web performance. Web performance means how fast a webpage is downloaded and displayed to the user. There’s a good reason that this is one of the hot topics in web…
How a Digital Services 3 procurement could look
On Tuesday, I went to a supplier engagement session run by the Digital Marketplace team. It was great. The government CTO, Liam Maxwell, kicked the session off. Several of the team behind the Digital marketplace, G-Cloud and the Digital Services framework then explained what was going on, and described their thinking. I tweeted most of…