
  • Design principles for good procurement

    Since the Digital Services 2 procurement process began, I’ve been trying to get some idea of the way a new Digital Services framework should work. Throughout the debate about DS2, one of the recurring themes for me has been that the framework, as designed, doesn’t follow the principles that GDS had laid out for effective governance. At…

  • Critical WordPress 4.2 vulnerability

    Due to a critical security vulnerability announced on Sunday evening, we have disabled commenting on all dxw-hosted sites. At 2100 on Sunday 26th April, a flaw in the way WordPress handles comments was published. This flaw could allow an attacker to inject HTML and Javascript into the pages of your website. In so doing, they…

  • Two things I’ve learned in my first year at dxw

    It’s been a fun, exciting and eye-opening twelve months since I joined dxw. So as I approach my first anniversary of working here I thought now would be a good time to reflect on what I’ve learnt over the last twelve months. Working in a small team is awesome Before joining dxw I had mostly…

  • A happy announcement

    I’m officially going on maternity leave on the 1st April. Although it may seem like an April Fools’ Day prank, I can assure you it’s not and I am now getting ready for the arrival of my little one who is due in the middle of April. It’s a very exciting time for me and…

  • GovSite – a flexible WordPress theme developed by dxw

    We’ve found that for many of our products, we’re asked to implement very similar features again and again. We also find that many of these clients have pretty limited budgets, which makes it difficult to follow the service design manual process. User research is often the first thing that gets cut, which isn’t ideal. So,…

  • Talking snakes and mongooses at #bigwp

    Last night I gave a talk on plugin security at the Big Media & Enterprise WordPress London Meetup. It includes Indiana Jones (Why did it have to be snakes?!) and a cheeky plug for MongooseWP – our plugin security alerting service which will be launching soon. The talk seemed to go down well – at least…