Keeping traffic flowing to your WordPress site after a big restructuring
Any website which is around for more than a couple of years will probably go through some kind of restructuring – perhaps as part of getting a new theme, or reorganising and refining content for clarity and usability. Often this sort of process involves changes to the urls (“permalinks”) used to access individual posts and…
How we do usability testing with sensitive personal data
How many times a day do you figuratively throw your phone across the room or shake your computer’s monitor in outrage when a website forgets who you are or does something ‘stupid’? I bet it’s more than you think. For every good service that you use, there are 10 poor ones. What is the difference…
“Official data, new light” – another dxw project goes live
After much hard work Visual.ONS has now launched! The website shows ONS statistics using a wide range of content: infographics, interactive visualisations and short studies. The purpose of the site is to “make data, statistics and analysis more accessible, engaging and easier to understand”. Stats that engage people The motto of the website “official data,…
Thames Valley Housing – Online Customer Service
We’ve had an exciting start to the year at dxw. We’ve been working with Thames Valley Housing (TVH) to try and improve their online customer services and in December we switched on a new part of the service: online payments. TVH looks after over 14,500 homes for a really wide range of residents, from renters,…
Accountability Hack 2014 – A closer look at the data we used
Last weekend dxw entered a team into the Accountability Hack run jointly by the National Audit Office, The Office for National Statistics and Parliament. Our hack – Right to Buy-Bye ended up winning both the ONS category and the Best in Show prize. We’ve already blogged about the process of building the hack, so in…
Accountability Hack 2014. And the winner is…
This year Parliament hackathon, Accountability Hack, was hosted by Tracy Green (Parliament), Nick Halliday (NAO), Matt Jukes (ONS) and Julia Higginbottom (Rewired State) at the National Audit Office. dxw team of four developers/designers (Lily, Duncan, Tom and myself) together with many other keen “hackers” turned up at the NAO on Saturday morning to work on the challenges and create something awesome.…