Being dxw’s first employee trustees – what it means to us
We’re dxw’s first 2 employee trustees and wanted to share how we got here and the kind of things we’ll be doing over the next few months.
We started building a dxw Design System and gave ourselves the time to do it
Over the summer, we spent 4 weeks away from client projects and focused on improvements to our GovPress service.
Meet the women on dxw’s Board
As it’s Ada Lovelace Day this week, we thought it was a good opportunity to share a bit about ourselves, and how we got here.
The diverse world of women in tech
I decided to take advantage of Ada Lovelace Day and dedicate some time to pointing out how diverse the world of women in tech can be.
Progressive enhancement: why we build things from the ground up
As builders of digital public services, it’s our responsibility to make sure that what we build works for everyone, regardless of their internet speed.
My aspirations for dxw’s future
I hope that this change to employee ownership will usher in a new stage in dxw’s story. One where our structures of ownership, control, and governance align with our culture and our public service ethos.