
  • Flying the flag for agile development

    The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the UK ship register. You might know it if you have a yacht or a dingy. The register isn’t just for boats in the UK though. Large commercial vessels that sail around the world still have a home country for whom they “fly the flag”- and…

  • Local Government as a Platform

    Last week we were lucky enough to be able to talk at the Public Sector Digital Transformation Forum about Local Government as a Platform, and more specifically, using GOV.UK Pay in local government services. The phrase Government as a Platform is not universally understood, The Government Digital Service describes it as: … a new way…

  • Ada Lovelace all year round: Own your place in the digital world.

    I was fortunate enough to celebrate this year’s Ada Lovelace Day twice, and both events made me reflect on how Ada Lovelace and the community around her is a year-round inspiration. dxw started running a panel event last year, and we had another four inspiring women in tech (Stephanie Marsh, Coca Rivas, Olivia Campbell and…

  • Introducing Ming

    Hello everyone, my name is Ming. I started working at dxw as a designer two months ago. My background I was born and bred in Hong Kong. I started my career as a programmer in some banks in Hong Kong and then I moved on to become a web designer and engaged in a lot…

  • Introducing Steph

    Hi, I’m Steph. I have been working at dxw as the Office Assistant for 8 weeks now and loving every part of it! I’m thinking back to my very first day when I came into the office and found a computer screen filled with warm welcome notes from the dxw team. I had never experienced anything…

  • DevOps London

    Last month I attended a 2-day conference called DevOpsDays London and also spoke to delegates on the dxw stand. At the conference, Kate Whalen spoke about how to filter unimportant notifications in her talk titled, ‘How to Leverage AWS Features to Secure and Centrally Monitor Your Accounts’. She suggested creating your own custom dashboard specific…