
  • Moving on

    They say that all good things must come to an end, and that time has come for me. I’ll soon be leaving dxw to take up a role as Product Manager at Comic Relief. I’m sad to be leaving such a great team here at dxw, but I’m incredibly excited to be moving into a…

  • Today I learnt

    If you’re a previous reader of our blog, you may have seen some previous TiL posts before. At dxw, we use Slack to communicate internally; mostly for sharing information about current projects we’re working on, or for recruitment, events we’re planning and more. However, we have a couple of less serious channels where we like…

  • Making user research count

    Join us on March 13th for a user research workshop with Hilary Chan and Vita Mangan Format Interactive workshop with thought element and hands-on activities What you’ll learn Description Conducting user research is fundamental to designing good services, products, and experiences. This means speaking to your users, testing with your users, understanding the environment of…

  • dxw launches cyber

    2018 will be a big year for dxw. In June, we’ll be ten years old. We’ve learned a lot about how to get things done in the public sector in that time. We want to improve users’ experience of government, and help government teams work differently. But building great digital services is only part of…

  • Ed Davey starts the year at dxw

    I am delighted to have recently joined dxw as a developer. Since the mid-’90s I’ve been part of numerous web projects, many of them of an educational, cultural or civic nature. Running back from the circus Long-term projects have included the Royal Opera House, a carpet and textile dot-com, an online tutoring system, the food-sharing service…

  • Meltdown and Spectre

    At the beginning of 2018, two classes of attacks on computer processors (CPUs) were announced, Meltdown and Spectre, which will require updates to be applied both to desktop and server systems. These vulnerabilities affect almost all computers worldwide. dxw would like to reassure all our clients and the organisations that we work with, that we…