
  • Introducing work experience at dxw

    For many years, we have been approached by companies asking if we are willing to take on students for work experience and interns new to the industry who are looking for their first job. Until now we haven’t had enough time to give work experiencers or interns the kind of attention we’d like.  We wanted…

  • New leadership at GDS

    Big changes are afoot at the Government Digital Service with the arrival of Kevin Cunnington from DWP in place of Stephen Foreshew-Cain. First off, I’d like to make a personal tribute to Steve who I had the good fortune to work with at GDS. I know from conversations with him that he passionately believes leadership…

  • Introducing Sammy

    Hi! I’m Sammy, the new Product Manager here at dxw. I spent my early working years in various marketing roles before I found my home as a Product Manager. I’m passionate about developing and managing user-focussed products, ones that fulfil a well-researched and understood user need. dxw has some fantastic products, like GovSite, a simple…

  • Leaving the EU

    We appear to be leaving the EU. This is an awful outcome. We’re going to have this moment of horror, but then we’re drawing a line under it.

  • It’s been GREAT

    I’ve never really been asked to write about leaving a company before. It’s like that moment when you get asked out of the blue to give a speech in front of everyone gathered around your desk at the end of the day. Although at least I can edit this. I joined dxw only in May…

  • The problem with Management Information

    MISO or Management Information System Online is a system used by Crown Commercial Service to help them understand what work is done through their frameworks, and to calculate their fees to suppliers. All suppliers are expected to submit Management Information (MI) on orders and invoices submitted each month under G-Cloud and the Digital Services Frameworks.…