
  • We’re rolling out 2 Factor Authentication for GOV.UK Blogs

    At dxw we understand the importance of security. The internet is a scary place and for our public sector clients security is always high on their priorities. Often the websites we create for our clients contain sensitive data. Not getting hacked and keeping logins secure is a must to preserve this data and the reputation of…

  • Introducing Adam

    Hi, I’m Adam and I’m the even newer developer on the team at dxw! I first found out about dxw in the middle of 2013 when they offered to sponsor an event I organised for the web community. Since then I’ve kept in touch with some of the team (old and new) and have become…

  • Introducing Leanne

    Who am I? Hi, I’m Leanne. I joined the dxw team a few weeks ago as the office administrator. I have come from a varied background of working for Lloyds TSB (when that was still a thing), Sage Software up in Newcastle (where the football is sad) and 6 years working for a fitness company as…

  • The Digital Services Framework: not quite buried, but certainly seems dead

    The Digital Marketplace team have just published their June update, and it’s a biggie. It covers lots of ground. Digital Services 1 and 2 look set to continue as they are, but there are several major announcements about progress on Digital Services 3. I say Digital Services 3, but it sounds a lot like that’s a framework…

  • A vision for Digital Services 3

    A vision for Digital Services 3: building on the lessons of G-Cloud and abandoning some of our old assumptions.

  • Hello World – I’m Nina..

    ..and I’m the newest developer working for dxw. I love the idea of helping to improve public services. After doing a masters degree in contemporary history and political science I worked for NGOs in Switzerland and abroad. These experiences made me realise how important a careful balance between public and private sector is. In the…