
  • Mince Pies at the ready!

    At dxw, we take our Christmas party preparations quite seriously! The wine has been ordered and will be mulled for 4 hours on the day by our resident hot wine expert, Leanne. We choose some fine cheese and biscuits and are even stretching to a bit of hot food this year. Nothing, however, is as…

  • IPv6 on, 1 year on

    Last year we had a little look at IPv6 on domains. IP (Internet Protocol) is one of the core protocols of the internet. It’s used for giving addresses to devices on a network and for delivering the right data to the right device. There’s a transition going on right now from IPv4 to IPv6.…

  • dxw at Women in Digital Government

    A few weeks ago Vita and I went to the first Women in Digital Government event. It was structured as an unconference by GDS and held at Conway Hall in Holborn, to bring together digital and technology teams across government to talk about the challenges women face in the industry and how we can make…

  • Building a finder on GOV.UK

    Back in April we started working with the Department for International Development (DFID) to help them transition one of their legacy websites on to GOV.UK as a finder. Finders are a filtered search, which departments and agencies use for custom filtering on specialist content. In DFID’s case, they are required to publish outputs from every…

  • Conference Perk > Ping Pong Table

    One of the best things about working for dxw is that the perks of the job are actually really useful. No ping pong tables at dxw! One perk in particular that makes dxw such a great place to work is the conference perk. It does what it says on the tin (or the website, as…

  • Out of Office

    We did another retreat last month and it was great for many reasons. Nineteen dxw’ers headed to Hurley, a small village just outside Maidenhead, via trains, planes and automobiles. We stayed at the beautiful Olde Bell Coaching Inn for a couple of nights in an attempt to get out of the office and discuss how to…