
  • User needs and campaign sites: some principles

    This morning at UK GovCamp 2016 we had a great session on government campaign sites, and how well user needs and user stories work for them as a mechanism to capture the things they need to do. We’ve done quite a lot of campaigns, and often, we struggle to express the user needs that they…

  • Introducing Stacey Phillips

    Hi I’m Stacey and I’ve just joined dxw as a Delivery Manager. I’ll be responsible for managing the delivery of our projects, so I’ll be working closely with development teams and our clients to help them build and launch great digital services. A big part of this involves applying agile and user-centred methodologies to ensure…

  • An introductory goodbye

    After a decision to make some changes in my life, and with a dash of pedantry, I’m finishing at dxw two years to the day since I joined. If you’ve ever visited dxw, you might remember me as the loud guy trying to explain why linux containers should change the way we think about releasing…

  • Exporting is GREAT: from a prototype to a national campaign for UKTI

    So over the last few days you may have seen the launch of the new Exporting is GREAT campaign from UKTI. Here at dxw we’ve been working with UKTI to build the new service allowing users to find and explore the huge range of exporting opportunities out there for British companies. This project actually…

  • Pastures new

    I’ll be leaving dxw this month, off to pastures new and to try new things. I thought I’d just write a quick post about my time at dxw and something about the future. I’ve had a great time working with the very talented bunch of people at dxw. We’ve managed to do some great things…

  • Design by building

    At a client meeting for a project recently, we were planning a sprint and I was asked “But when do you do the design?” Since joining dxw from the Government Digital Service, I’ve found myself working with organisations that don’t follow the same agile, iterative product development approach that both these organisations take. It seems…