
  • Winning at National Hack the Government 2013

    Saturday was the Rewired State National Hack the Government Day hack day, which dxw were sponsoring. Harry and I went along to meet the attendees and join the hard working teams of hackers. There were a huge range of interesting data sets to choose from, but Harry had a promising idea about a set from…

  • The inaugural #digitalwomen Tea Camp

    On Tuesday it’s the first #digitalwomen Tea Camp with @thewomensroom. Harry and I will be attending, and we’ll also both be talking briefly on our own experiences surrounding the gender divide in digital. The focus of this event is not just on highlighting areas where there are still inequalities, but on what we can do…

  • A new intranet for DCLG (with more big savings)

    Since January we’ve been excitedly working on a new intranet for the Department of Communities and Local Government: a wholesale replacement for the previous collection of out-of-date and restrictive systems that DCLG had been using. We’re very happy to announce that the site went live to all staff members last week, and has been met…

  • Department of Health saves 96% on its web hosting with GDS and dxw

    We’re very excited to be able to announce that the Department of Health’s WordPress sites are now being hosted by dxw. This was a complex migration and has been in the works for a while, so we’re delighted (and relieved!) that it’s all come off well. DH came to us in the summer of 2012…

  • dxw is sponsoring CommsCamp

    We’re really pleased to be supporting the inaugural CommsCamp! We’ve posted more on their blog, at

  • Rolling out bcrypt password hashing

    We’ve just started rolling out a change across all of the sites we host, to improve the security of user passwords. WordPress is very widely used. Because of this, WordPress’s development team often make decisions that keep WordPress compatible with a wide range of hosting environments. Sometimes, this comes at the cost of potential security…