Testing the Robot
Yesterday, we did some quick tests on a robot that’s part of a design for an upcoming site. (More on that later). I tweeted about about it and got 168 responses, which was surprisingly high. Since it got so much input, I thought I’d write up the results, which, happily, aligned pretty well with our…
Timecop Gotcha
Timecop is an extremely useful gem which allows you to simulate the passing of time in RSpec tests. We’re using it to test parts of Citrulu – for example, making sure we don’t send you multiple emails about the same thing. One of our tests has this shape: it “should do some stuff!” do #…
Introducing: Lily Dart
We’re excited to announce that Lily Dart has joined dxw. As our first permanent designer, she’ll be working on the look and feel of most of our projects. Having a designer on the team will make it much easier for us to react quickly when our clients need things that need pretty. She’ll also be…
We’ve been using Google Analytics to analyse traffic to Citrulu so far, but adding custom events to track significant things (e.g. when a user first creates a real test file) is a massive faff. We’re currently working on integrating KISSmetrics via its JavaScript API and it looks pretty shiny so far: everything is centered around the user, and…
Introducing Whippet
For a while, we’ve been working on a stand-alone web server for doing WordPress development. We started working on it for a few reasons: With all those in mind, we started writing some software to wrap around PHP 5.4’s built-in webserver. It accepts requests, figures out where they should go, and hooks into the WordPress…
Extending your testing strategy beyond go-live
In a recent post on his software testing blog, Eric Jacobsen talks about responding to bugs which ‘escape’ into production: The point of Citrulu is to enable you to go one better: by allowing you to monitor your website in a test-driven way (rather than simply looking for exceptions or timeouts), it blurs the distinction between…