My aspirations for dxw’s future
I hope that this change to employee ownership will usher in a new stage in dxw’s story. One where our structures of ownership, control, and governance align with our culture and our public service ethos.
dxw is now owned by its employees
dxw’s directors and I have signed the papers to make dxw into an Employee Owned Trust (EOT), putting its future into the hands of its staff.
Humans of dxw: from international development to Delivery Lead
Like my career path in general, my journey to becoming a Delivery Lead at dxw has been quite unusual and unexpected.
How to improve urgent referrals? The power of collaboration and a service design approach
Along with CCD, we worked with an NHS Trust to discover how urgent referral patients can receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Our approach to inclusive and accessible design
We design services, products and content that are accessible to all and we make sure the change process is as inclusive as it can be.
Making it easier for businesses to find out about regulations
We completed a project with the Better Regulation Executive to design a service to make it easier for businesses to interact with regulations.