We stopped using CVs for recruitment – here’s how we’ve found it
We switched to the Applied recruitment platform in March. This meant rethinking how we do recruitment to make it more equitable and inclusive.
How to set projects up for success
It’s essential for project success that any project lead gets a head start, so they can shape the activities a team will do during inception.
Using a discovery to help shape your new website
Without a discovery for a new website, organisations often end up with a vision of something that’s not deliverable or achievable.
Makers’ days at dxw
A couple of weeks ago we held our first dxw makers’ days. These days are an opportunity to work together on a problem we want to solve.
It’s time to step down from Head of Research
This month I’ll be stepping down from my role as Head of User Research to become a Principal Researcher.
An unusual UK export
Earlier this year, I gave a talk to the Servicios Digitales de Aragón (SDA), a government team that develops digital services in the Aragon region of Spain.