Using a prototype as a proof of concept for Ofsted
We recently worked with Ofsted on a discovery/alpha project where we designed and prototyped a new inspection management service.
Inclusive design: paying people part 1
We need to be respectful of all our users. When we try and make a product or service better for our edge case users, we make it better for everyone.
Location, location, location part 3: understanding that your team is bigger than the people building stuff
In this post I discuss applying good communications practices to people outside your core team and why that’s important when working remotely.
Delivering public and voluntary sector projects in a remote world
Last week, as part of the Leeds Digital Festival I chaired a panel on delivering public and voluntary sector projects in a remote world.
Improving the NHSX website during the pandemic
We worked with NHSX to improve their website to provide vital information during the pandemic, moving it onto a Wagtail Content Management System.
Location, location, location part 2: establishing communication patterns and working rhythms
When working in dispersed teams it’s important to establish working rhythms and patterns of communication. There are 3 different types to be aware of.