Introducing our junior developers and our plan for their development
In January we hired 2 junior developers, Lorna and Maria. I wanted to explain why and what we imagine they’ll will be doing in a few months’ time.
Leeds Digital Festival webinar series
As part of the Leeds Digital Festival, we’re running a series of free webinars on how to keep operating effectively and make a difference in a remote world.
Location, location, location part 1: communication and working effectively in remote teams
When you can’t rely on face to face conversations, you need to establish the channels of communication you and your team will use to talk to each other.
How I’m working from home with my partner and our child
After a few days of trying to juggle work and parenting, I decided to create a schedule and I wanted to write about the realities of what it’s been like.
Guest post: helping Barnsley Council collaborate with other councils
Barnsley Council built their own software and realised that it could be used by other councils. We worked with them to help them collaborate with others.
The factors of code review
We’re standardising our approach to code review. I thought it might be useful to sketch out the reasons teams review code and how they come into conflict.